Things You Need to Know about the French Bulldog The origin of the French bulldog is in England. They are muscular kinds of dogs. They have a cute, pug-like appearance with a solid bone structure and a flat muzzle. This type of breed, the French bulldog breed, came about when the early English artisans did not find the large sized bulldogs pleasing to their sight. When the breeding became successful it became popular in France. When the bulldogs were bred with the French terriers, they were christened as French bulldogs. You can easily tell a French bulldog from its physical attributes. Its coat is smooth and its tail, un-cropped and straight. Because of their large square shaped face and wide set dark colored eyes, their appearance really looks cute. Their ears is similar to bat’s ears which are rounded on the upper section and broad at the base. A French bulldog is intelligent, alert, and curious, as seen in its facial expressions. The bulldog measures 12 inches from the shoulder and their average weight is from 19 to 28 pounds. Different colors and patterns make the French bulldog’s coat. For colors, a French bulldog can be pale to brown shade and you can find on their coat markings and patterns also. French bulldog ancestors were guard or watch dogs. French bulldogs do not have stern manners as their ancestors did. Their personalities are somewhat comical and very playful and affectionate. They love to play for hours even alone by themselves. Attention and affection are also needed by the French bulldog just like any other dog. Although they are loving to all members of the family, they are usually attached closely to just one person. IF the French bulldog has been raised together with children, it can interact well with them. If you want a pet for your children, a French bulldog would be wonderful.
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If you want to have a French bulldog, it is important to look for a reputable breeder to make sure that you get a healthy puppy. You need to check how the puppies were cared for and the environment they have been bred. Check also if they normally interact with other puppies and with humans. Their food and exercise is also important to check. Choose a dog based on the personality that you would want because even at an early age they already show their personality. French bulldogs can be boisterous, sociable , or quiet or any of these three characteristics combined. If you will train your French bulldog diligently and love him well, then you have the perfect pet and companion.
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The French bulldog is an ideal companion because of their characteristics of being good-natured, gentle and incredibly loving.
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